I remember when someone told me that if we would be faithful in serving Him, and if we would wait, He would bring the right people to the ministry. So, we waited…and He has brought a true servant to the ministry of Partners for Care. When we were doing medical camps in August with PLO Lumumba Foundation we met a young doctor. This doctor was different than most doctors we had worked with before. He was so PASSIONATE about serving the people. He wouldn’t stop seeing patients until everyone who had come to be treated was seen. This young doctor is Dr. Vincent Mutugi. And, to our surprise when I was there this last trip he asked if he could join our ministry. He said, he didn’t care about money – he just wanted to serve the poor people.
I credit the Partner for Care staff in Kenya as to the reason he wanted to join our ministry. He said he sees Partners for Care staff in Kenya as servants working to transform their village and their Nation. Dr. Vincent wants to be a part of transforming his Nation he wants to serve the poor.
I think the best way to share his heart with you is to share what he wrote me after being with us for two weeks. He said “I have visited the Mararui slum many times these last two weeks and my heart has been left soaked in pity. I can’t sit down and plan anymore. I have to get on my feet and get to Samaria. God give me strength.”
His Samaria
Assessing a patient
Dr. Vincent will be the team doctor keeping the Partners for Care staff healthy and the doctor for the Nick and Charles’ precious children. He also wants to set up a health clinic in Mararui that will serve the people from the slum. He will be the doctor on our medical missions organizing medications, drugs and supplies and work with the US doctors and nurses who come to participate in our medical missions.
Helping children
We welcome Dr. Vincent to the Partners for Care team! Pray with me for God to give him strength as he serves the sick, and the poor,
Connie Sent via Cingular Xpress Mail with Blackberry