David Gruber has posted pictures from the last trip on this blog site. See prior posts for these photos.
See the picture of the Bishop leading the young football player to Christ – a boy from the slum that had never been to church. See the children with their bibles from Deb Zinn and the picture of the football team from the slum kneeling at the wall thanking God for their victory on the field. Thank you all for your prayers and encouraging emails (selfishly I must admit I do need them and read them with appreciation). And thank you for those who have entrusted me with funds you have generously given to support all the Partners for Care staff in Kenya. I can and do support myself but they need support. I pay all my own travel, on the ground expenses and nobody receives any support from Partners for Care except kenyans. They are willing servants for God and I am blessed to work with Kenyans who do as God commanded – care for the hungry, the sick, the orphans and the widows. They appreciate all those who partner with them in their ministry. Blessings, Connie
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