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Writer's pictureDavid Moore



September 21 marked Peace One Day 2014 – a globally-recognized day of ceasefire and nonviolence. As an NGO Coalition partner for Peace One Day, Partners for Care showed our support by organizing peace events in six areas of Kenya, historically marked by conflict and unrest. With the support of our partner organizations, PFC staff reached 225,000 people all across Kenya with the message of peace!


SEPTEMBER 24, 2014


DR Congo

Partners for Care Director Sammy Wanjua and staff member David Chanzera represented Partners for Care at the Peace One Day concert featuring Akon and Lexus Legal in Goma, DR Congo.

They also assisted Grief, who is distributing water packs in the DR Congo, by training personnel who will then teach people in the DRC how to use the packs. And how about this for a special blessing? While Sammy and David were in the DRC, David’s wife gave birth to a new baby boy, who they named Prince Amani which means “Prince of Peace.”

PFC and Greif Partnership

When people are sick, there is conflict. Greif is committed to eradicating one of the major causes for illness and death in the developing world – waterborne diseases. Greif developed the award-winning water backpack, which provides a safer way to transport and store water. As corporate sponsors of Peace One Day, Greif produced a special Peace One Day pack and sent the packs north to Marsabit, south to the coast, and to Kiambu County to help prevent waterborne illnesses.

The PFC staff distributed packs to a school in Limuru. The children raised their hands in answer to the question “who has gone to the hospital with sickness from drinking unsafe water?” With their new packs, the children will now have safe water.

Blessings in the DRC and back home in Kenya!  I dream of an Africa which is in peace with itself. ~ Nelson Mandela


Partners for Care hosted a concert and led a Peace Walk through the slums of Marurui and Juakali, carrying a large banner which read “Let Us Sign for Peace.” Over 3,000 joined the walk and 1,800 signed the banner, committing to “make peace, tribe to tribe, people to people.”

Marsabit (Marsabit County)

7,000 people were reached with the message of peace in Marsabit through a lively concert featuring local artists representing different tribes. There was also a friendly soccer competition. The Deputy Governor of Marsabit and Ms. Peace Kenya shared the message of peace with the crowd, including students from the high school.


The coastal region of Kenya has experienced intense conflict between religious sects. On Peace Day, religious leaders and government officials came together to spread the message of peace. They reached over 3,500people. The PFC team used this opportunity to test 800 people for HIV/AIDS. Pastor Chosen and the Watamu PFC staff were joined by our guest of honor, Mr. Joe Beasley of the Joe Beasley Foundation. Mr. Beasley helped launch the center last year.

Limuru (Kiambu County)

200,000 people were reached with the message of peace through PFC’s hugely successful traveling roadshow, concert, and TV and radio advertisements. Our partner, Divine Providence Training Center, attended the roadshow with four of their pastors. 10,000 people signed cards committing to peace. PFC board member Dr. Richard and Dr. Joe introduced the water packs to thousands of people.

Maai Mahui

Partners for Care established a community garden and local widows were given a portion of the garden to harvest for food to feed their families.


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