Our Programs

WaterSafe Program
Diarrheal diseases are a leading cause of illness and death in Kenya, with around 88% of these fatalities linked to unsafe water, poor sanitation, and inadequate hygiene. The jerrycans commonly used for water collection and storage often originate from chemical industries and are nearly impossible to clean, becoming a breeding ground for harmful germs. Partners for Care is addressing this issue by distributing over 70,000 award-winning WaterSafe Packs, offering a sustainable and innovative solution for safe water storage across Kenya. Each Pack plays a crucial role in eliminating preventable waterborne diseases and enhancing the health of individuals and communities. The Partners for Care team has positively impacted nearly a million lives by distributing these Packs in 16 counties within Kenya, as well as in Uganda and South Africa. Our mission is to ensure every classroom in Kenya has a water backpack. So far, we have distributed the Packs to 1,513 schools, benefiting 922,687 students. Every child in Kenya deserves access to safe and clean water. With 42,132 schools still in need of the Packs, each costing $10 and serving 30 students, an investment of just $100 could provide 10 Packs, impacting over 1,500 children over five years. Purchasing a Pack also supports the employment of women in the local production of WaterSafe Packs. To date, this initiative has provided jobs for over 25 women.
Click here to see videos of the program.
"And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward." -Matthew 10:42
Mobility Carts
According to a 2009 Kenya demographic survey, an estimated 1.16 million people in Kenya live with disabilities, many of whom currently lack access to mobility devices. These devices are crucial for children with mobility disabilities, enabling them to attend school, participate in religious activities, and visit friends. For adults, mobility devices are essential for starting businesses, accessing healthcare, and reducing stigma and discrimination in society. Partners for Care has collaborated with Mobility Worldwide and Friends of Disabled Adults and Children (FODAC) to alleviate the challenges faced by people with disabilities in Kenya by providing life-changing mobility carts. To date, PFC has distributed over 7,000 mobility carts and adaptive equipment to disabled adults and children across the country, fostering dignity and independence. Notably, 6,118 of these mobility devices have been distributed in Trans-Nzoia County under PFC’s “Make Every County Mobile” initiative. On June 29th, Partners for Care further strengthened its partnership with Mobility Worldwide by becoming an official affiliate. We celebrated this milestone by launching a local factory in Nairobi, which will produce mobility carts within the country. This initiative will not only expand the mobility program but also create employment opportunities for Kenyans involved in the production process.
Click here to see videos of the program.
"There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up"- John Holmes

Computer Schools
The 2021 Ibrahim Forum Report indicates that 58% of Kenyans have internet access, but only 29% possess basic digital literacy. This gap in digital skills hinders the country’s economic development and leads to missed opportunities. To address this, PFC is making a significant impact with its 31 and counting computer schools across Kenya. These schools are empowering individuals who have never seen or used a computer to gain the skills they need to secure jobs and support their families. So far, over 19,000 students have graduated with valuable digital skills that enhance their employability. PFC’s computer program is built on strong community partnerships, where PFC collaborates with local organizations to establish computer schools in various regions. The ultimate goal is to open 100 computer schools across Kenya.
Click here to see videos of the program.
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" - Nelson Mandela
Bed Nets
According to the 2020 Kenya Malaria Indicator Survey (2020 KMIS) Report, malaria continues to be a significant public health challenge in Kenya, accounting for approximately 13% to 15% of outpatient consultations. Over 70% of the population remains at constant risk, particularly vulnerable groups such as children and pregnant women. This includes 13 million people in endemic regions and an additional 19 million in highland epidemic-prone and seasonal transmission areas. A simple bed net can protect a child from malaria while they sleep. Partners for Care is committed to eradicating malaria by distributing bed nets to thousands of people across Kenya. To date, more than 68,000 bed nets have been distributed, and PFC staff provide education on proper usage and maintenance to extend the life of these nets for the families they serve.
Click here to see videos of the program.
"Do small things with great love" - Mother Teresa

Kathi's House
Kathi’s House is a loving family-like setting, which provides care and respite for children orphaned by HIV/AIDS. Kathi’s House is a place where children are loved, taught, cared for, and provided with medical care and spiritual guidance. The children of Kathi’s House attend school, play, eat together as a family, and share in household chores, and experience the love of God and family. Life for the children of Kathi’s House is all about restoring hope and rebuilding dreams. Kathi’s House was created by David Gruber, PFC co-founder and board member to honor his wife Kathi.
Click here to see videos of the program.
"Having somewhere to go is home. Having someone to love is family. Having both is a blessing" - Author Unknown
Partners for Care serves the most marginalized people, typically those who live on less than a dollar a day. Because they cannot afford to visit a doctor, we provide healthcare services through our partnership with Marurui Health Clinic and PFC’s Circle of Health program. The program provides a family access to our health clinician and medications for a fee of .50 per month. In addition to health screenings and medications, the clinic also provides immunizations for children to protect them against deadly diseases and keep the poorest of the poor healthy. More than 95,000 patients have been treated through the medical program.
Click here to see videos of the program.
"There is no greater joy than to make a fundamental difference in someone's life" - Mary Rose McGeady

Sewing Schools
Learning to sew empowers women to rise out of poverty and become self-sufficient by providing them with a means to earn an income, support their families, and educate their children. Partners for Care, through local partnerships, has established 44 sewing schools across Kenya, including six in prisons, where thousands of students have acquired valuable skills. Our goal is to open 100 sewing schools across the country. Out of the 4,268 graduates, many have found employment or started their own businesses, creating garments, bags, and household linens. Some have also been hired by the PFC workshop to produce bed nets and water-safe backpacks, allowing them to provide for their families.
Click here to see videos of the program.
"We can change the world and make it a better place" - Nelson Mandela
Marsabit County
Marsabit County in northern Kenya has been called, "The ends of the earth." Life there is as hard as it gets. Yet, right in the middle of it, the Partners for Care Marsabit Ministry is creating Streams of Hope. Reaching the poorest of the poor; they bring new beginnings and sustainable solutions to the challenges surrounding them. For Kano Daro, nowhere is too far to go to reach the lost! He and his dedicated staff restore lives daily through his Rescue Home, Computer Literacy Schools, WaterSafe Programs, Mobility Cart and Bednet Distributions, and jigger treatment. Hope lives in the desert now - as countless lives are being transformed through our programs. All in memory of the late great Pastor Hirbo.
Click here to see videos of the program.
"The Spirit of the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor." -Isaiah 61

Kilifi County
On any given day along Kenya's beautiful coast you will find Peter Cheya and the Partners for Care Staff reaching out and helping the materially poor and marginalized there. Peter serves with a smile that could brighten anyone's day! Through their efforts, countless lives, families and whole villages are experiencing lasting improvement in their health and education. The Kalifi Ministry Center provides Computer and Literacy Schools, Safe Water Programs, Mobility Cart and Bednet distributions, and jigger treatment. Smiles are spreading along Kenya's Coast as precious lives are being transformed!
Click here to see videos of the program.
"Do ordinary things with extraordinary love." -Mother Teresa

Kilifi County
On any given day along Kenya's beautiful coast you will find Peter Cheya and the Partners for Care Staff reaching out and helping the materially poor and marginalized there. Peter serves with a smile that could brighten anyone's day! Through their efforts, countless lives, families and whole villages are experiencing lasting improvement in their health and education. Kilifi Ministry Center provides Computer and Literacy Schools, WaterSafe Programs, Mobility Cart and Bednet distributions, and jigger treatment. Smiles are spreading along Kenya's Coast as precious lives are being transformed!
Click here to see videos of the program.
"Do ordinary things with extraordinary love." -Mother Teresa
Partners for Care is committed to helping create sustainable programs that can help the staff in Kenya reach and serve even more of the most vulnerable children in Kenya. Our sustainability programs include Mary's Market at Kathi's House, our Inua Homes in Nairobi, Inua bags, PFC Branding Hub, and our musical equipment rental program
"Focus on the future" -Anonymous