We are just about to arrive in Nairobi after our mission in Marsabit and our 12 hour trip. We woke at 4:00 am and left Marsabit at 5:00 am. The mission was a success. The team treated 318 children for jiggers removing the parasites that were living in the fingers and toes of the children. And, 1000 children were given new shoes – wonderful croc like shoes with closed toes that will prevent the jiggers from biting and burrowing into to the children’s feet. The students from OSU and MKU were extraordinary! They were all out of their comfort zone but no one complained! And, some of the teams even walked to the primary schools all over Marsabit to treat the children. The PFC staff under the leadership of Sammy did great! They were the team leaders as they were the experienced ones. Hearts were touched and the lives of some of our team members have been changed. As we shared at night team members said they couldn’t believe that children lived with jiggers and in such poverty. We met with the Governor of Marsabit. He wants to buy the water back packs! He wants to put them in every school in Marsabit. On the afternoon of the last day we had a graduation for 35 students who have completed computer training at Pastor Hirbo’s IT school. This brings the total to 300 who have been trained. Some of the graduates have secured jobs because of their computer literacy. It is hard to explain the excitement of Pastor Hirbo as he hope soon to declare Marsabit County jigger free. He now has treated 12,500 men, women and children for jiggers. Thank all of you for your prayers and support.