Forwarding for Connie….
Going deep in a pub in Bugoma The hotel the team is staying in has a very large pub and disco. The first night of the mission we were unable to show the film due to the rain. We were all sitting around drinking tea with many who were drinking beer and many already drunk. We realized we were in a mission field. We asked the management if we could show the film in the disco. She refused. Hanniel would not accept that answer and asked me if I could try to use my white skin to influence her. So Hanniel and I approached her to ask again. She continued to say no even though by that time we were just asking if the worship team could sing one song. When she saw we were not accepting her no she said she would take us to her boss and he would tell us no. I entered a darkened room to meet the owner. To the managers suprise he said let them sing one song. When I went back to tell the Bishop he asked me if he could preach 10 minutes. I told him that was pushing it but as it turns out God used George to preach with music. In a disco where the entrance fee was two beers George just let the holy spirit give him the words He sang: It is true Jesus lives. It is real Father lives We proclaim that He lives We’ve seen the work of His hands. Those who are heartbroken for the situations that they undergo through He is much able to save them and restore them. Gods love is so amazing His mercies are new everyday Gods saving power is present Come to Him and He’ll save you When the worship team finished 7 came to the pastors asking to be saved. So with the beer bottles on the table the pastors met with and led seven more souls to Christ. The mission field is wherever God places you. Blessed to witness so many led to Christ, Connie