A true servant climbs a tree-limb ladder to help others! Bridgette is a true servant, Connie Sent via Cingular Xpress Mail with Blackberry
I wish you all could have been a fly on the wall today! Of course, I couldn’t leave Kenya without doing a little “work” while here. I was asked to decorate the Partners for Care house for future teams/guests. I love a good challenge-especially since I had no tape measure, no nails (concrete walls), no hammer, no ladder-you get the idea! This was the time to put my creative juices to the test. So one of the guys went to the village for me and came back two hours later with a wonderful ladder-I can’t wait to show you the pictures! Imagine 2 small trees with their branches nailed on them for the rungs. I measured 31″ to step up to the first rung! But where there is a will…there is a way- and the house is transformed. A small token of my gratitude for their gracious hospitality left behind for the team. Now the decorating bug has bit me again-so in the evenings, I plan on painting the cyber/life changing center the team has opened in the village-you should see my paint brush!!! And of course I’ll be using the same hand-crafted ladder! Until I blog again…so grateful to be serving in Kenya-Bridgette