God answered prayer in a mighty way this morning. The team met very early for prayer. We had received word from those on the ground that violence had occurred on the road to Eldoret. Laban prayed God’s will not ours be done and if God wanted us to go He would give us a clear sign. After quickly eating breakfast we went to the police station. There were conveys of trucks waititng to travel in convoys to Eldoret.
We went into the police station and were told they had nobody to escort us but that there were patrols along the way and told us we would be OK. However Laban, Jane and Pastor Mutri were not comfortable going. As they were feeling defeated, the original person we had met came by and asked us if we had connected with whoever could help us. We told him yes but that could not escort us. We were in scrubs and he had asked earlier if we were doctors and we told him nurses and we also were taking food. He said he felt we should have transport – your work is important and needed. He said follow uje He took us to his office – he was the Provential police Officer – the man in charge of everything. I told I knew Professor Orago and was working with him and everytime I was in his office it was time for tea. I was just trying to do small talk. He said then we shall have tea here. He got on the phone and told the police to give us escort and to pass us to each of the police districts to take us all the way to Eldoret! He shared with us he was a Christian and was there when they burned Eldoret Church. He said what he saw he would never forget – children burned to death, men beat to ground and cut to death. He has four children all in college. He is a great kenyan leader who is saddened by what has happened. He said the violence now is byyoung men – many of them drunk. We prayed for him before we left his office. We returned to the bus and the team cheered that we were going to Eldoret. Each person had been told they were to make their own decision to go – all team members said they wanted to go.
We just arrived in Eldoret with no incidence. We have police escort in front and back all the way 120 miles. We like others on the road put braches with greenery on our bus to indicate “we come in peace”.
We are now at the first camp. Thank your many prayers – they are working! Connie