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8th update

Writer's picture: David MooreDavid Moore

Today was a very good day here in Kenya. The worship team had been asked to do praise and worship for an event hosted by the Youth President of Kenya Mwangi Wa Mukami. They wore their Reach-A-Million white shirts and led worship the best I had ever heard them. It was very moving as Mwangi challeneged the youth to invest in the future of their generation and the generation of their children. As he made the call for the youth to surrender their lives to Jesus a person we had been working with stepped forward. It suprised us as we didn’t know he had moved away from God. We were blessed to be a part of this man who is influential in the prevention HIV/AIDS in kenya to return to his faith. Mwangi is very well respected in this country and has influence with the ministires that work with youth. The Minister of Children was with him at this event. Mwangi has asked to meet with us this week to see how we can partner to reach the youth to create a HIV-free generation.

The other HUGE blessing was having the children from Nick and Charles’ rescue center. 33 children came to the apartment with 8 adults. With our team we had 56 people in the apartment and Njokie and John prepared food for everyone. The drama team had organized activities for the children and before they left the worship team sang for them. These children are all orphaned or their parents are too sick to care for them. They are healthly, happy and in school. They told everyone Nick is their Dad and I am their mum. I don’t feel like a good mum to them because sometimes there is not enough funds to give them what they need. Recently Nick and Charles with Community Transformer’s Board made a decision to say no to some people funding them who were using their story to raise funds that were not going to Community Transformers. (CT). They also brought teams that promised support to their clients and never followed through with the support. They took photos and left and the photos were not used to bring support to their clients. CT felt this was causing harm. They said they would rather eat vegetables than cause harm to their clients. When Nick was asked about who would provide food for the children Nick said “The God who brought them to us to care for is the God who will feed them.” Oh to have that kind of faith.

Blessed to know these people of faith, Connie

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