I wanted to share with you what someone posted on our PFC Facebook page yesterday. The writer captures beautifully how we feel about Pastor Hirbo. Pastor Hirbo’s tireless work on behalf of the poorest of the poor, the hard to reach, and the most vulnerable inspires all of us.
The first time I met Pastor Hirbo, it was with a group of people at Connie Cheren‘s home in Alpharetta, Georgia. He did not draw attention to himself, preferring to disappear into the wall. He cracked a few jokes that often required thinking through what he just said. Later on I learned what role he plays in the work of Partners for Care, and how passionate he is about people. He has single-handedly eradicated jigger infestation in Marsabit, Kenya going from door to door looking for victims of these bugs. At one point, someone gave him a suit which he promptly gave away to the first needy person he came across in Marsabit. He asked why he would need a suit to do the work he does.
There is a place where God meets humanity; a place where political and social posturing mean nothing. Where it is all about the work. For me, Pastor Hirbo represents that place. Thank you PFC for all that you do to make sure that where there is a need that you can meet, you go all the way to do so.
Want to know where my heart beats? Here it is. In this place that is so easy to forget in the guise of business. This is #TheWork.
Connie Cheren
Partners for Care