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  • Writer's pictureDavid Moore

Changed Lives

Bridgette Boylan, US Kenya board member, has traveled to Kenya with me this trip. Many of you have told me how much you enjoy reading her updates so I wanted to send you her first one.

Blessed to have Bridgette with me,


From: Bridgette Boylan <> Date: July 24, 2017 at 5:05:46 PM GMT+3 To: Bridgette Boylan <> Subject: Changed Lives

As I make the long journey back to East Africa, I remember what an incredible, beautiful place this is. We often see what we want to see, don’t we? It’s all about perspective‎. If I allow myself only to see the pain – I see orphaned children, hungry, wandering around aimlessly, high from sniffing glue to ease their hunger pains. I see parched land from lack of rain. I see women walking 6 hours to source water. I see disabled bodies crawling on the ground trying to make their way through the crowds. I see young children sifting through mounds of trash with the goats to find food….BUT…if I look for the good – I see women and children carrying water on their backs in water backpacks and those packs hanging in their huts to store that safe water.  I see smiles on children’s’ faces playing in slum streets because their tummies don’t hurt anymore from safe water. I see Hope gardens in the Rift Valley ‎region where Pastor John is working the land with the widows who are thriving because of the food produced.  I see men, women, and children with restored dignity as they use hank cranks to operate their mobility carts to go to work and school.  I see families sleeping under bed nets – feeling safe and protected from malaria carrying mosquitoes.  I see young and old alike learning how to read and write for the first time and the pride on our teacher Sam’s face when they succeed.

I see so many smiles of gratitude for all the Kenyan Partners for Care staff has done here to change the lives of thousands of people.  And, I know it is because of those in the US that support the work of PFC that the staff can help so many.  I see the transformations.  I see the love.  I see the hope.  So blessed to be here. Bridgette

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