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GOA implementing Sunday School in 126 churches in 6 East African countries

Writer's picture: David MooreDavid Moore

Pastor Matthew is developing and implementing Sunday School for all of the GOA churches. I was privledged to help Matthew with the recent GOA Children’s Conference for all of the children’s homes. He is an awesome Christian leader – perfect for the task God has called him to do. He was the one that led the children through the four-day event. Matthew asked me if I would review his strategic plan for Sunday School implementation. In reviewing this plan I found a “needs” list. He nor the Bishop has aked that we fulfil this “needs” list but I know it would be a boost to his work if we could gift him the items he has listed. If anyone wants to donate one of the following items or donate funds to purchase the items in Kenya please let me know. I will take donated items to Pastor Matthew from anyone on my next trip to Kenya. I leave May 25. Needs include: Children’s bibles A computer to create a Sunday School database and other records A printer and photocopier to enable them to print Sunday school material and correspondence which includes brochures, newsletters and certicates for their staff Digital camera to take photos and enable their reports to be documented by photos. Pictures speak more than words Playing items such as toys, dolls, crayons, clay for modeling, mats/carpets where toddlers can sit, etc. Please share these needs with others who want to impact the next generation of Christians in Kenyans. Perhaps your church would like to partner with GOA and Pastor Matthew as he implements Sunday School in 126 and growing GOA churches. Blessings, Connie Sent via Cingular Xpress Mail with Blackberry



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