How is it possible that after 15 hours of grueling travel on roads that seem worse than last time we traveled from Nairobi to Marsabit we forget all the difficulty as soon as we are greeted by Pastor Hirbo?
His smile, his excitement at seeing us, his hollering “Praise God Praise God for bringing you here safely” makes the past 15 hours traveling fade away. We all just feel happy to be here. And, even though sometime during the hours of bouncing on the dirt roads I said to myself I won’t do this again – as soon as I was in Marsabit with Pastor Hirbo I know I would take the trip again. He makes it all worse the struggle.
It is such a joy to be able to help such a man as Pastor Hirbo. Whatever we are able to help Pastor Hirbo with he is grateful and he uses it to help so many people!
We are here to complete the surveys at Marsabit Hospital for the baseline data for the impact study. We are partnering with Mt. Kenya University on this project.
From Marsabit,