During my last visit to Kenya one of the Partners for Care staff’s mother gave me an appreciation gift. I wrote about the gift in the February 15 blog post. Well I thought the gift was a sheep – turns out David the sheep (named for my last born son) is actually a goat! David has been moved from the Partners for Care house to the country home of Kathi’s House of Restoration. Yesterday Sam sent me a photo of David.
They tell me David likes it in the beautiful area of the Rift Valley but is lonely….the team suggest I buy a female goat for David. I plan to see David when I go to Kenya June 12. The team traveling with me will be doing a medical what if? outreach in Mahi Mahui. And, they will meet David the goat… Preparing to serve the Kenyan PFC team, Connie Sent via Cingular Xpress Mail with Blackberry