On Monday I travelled to Washington to meet Hon. Mwangi Mukami, former Youth President of Kenya. Mwangi works with us in Kenya and is especially important in our What If? campaign. A new York Times reporter met us at the airport and followed us for 24 hours recording Mwangi’s response to being at Obama’s swearing in. Mwangi has met Obama both in Kenya and here in the US. You can a view a 3 minute video at www.nytimes.com <http://www.nytimes.com/> Go to the video section and look for the story called: “Hope Crosses the Alantic” about Mwangi Mukami coming to attend the inauguration. The event on the video with Dr. Lumumba speaking is the event I told you earlier where the Temples of Worship played. Mwangi will be here in Atlanta with me for about a week beginning Feb 1 for meetings, etc. He will go to Pastor Karanja’s church Feb 1. Blessed to witness this event with 2 million other Americans and a few Kenyans, Connie
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