Thanks to the support of Greif Corporation, Partners for Care Kenya is host to 12 MBA students from Ohio State University. They have been working with PFC and PackH2O this semester to develop a strategy to begin sewing the PackH2O pack in Kenya.
They have two teams of 6 students each – Production and Go To Market.
I wanted them to understand how the water pack is so much easier for the women to carry. So on the student’s first day we took them to Machokos where they walked about a mile down a hill with the women from Machokos sourcing for water. The women filled jerry cans and the bakpacks with water. The students tried to walk back up the hill with the jerry can tied to the head. Then they carried a PackH2O.
After this experience they understand the value of the PackH2O! See the photos
We are privileged to work with OSU!