Sandra Bolton was touched when she read about the children in Marsabit needing shoes to prevent the jiggers from infesting in their feet. She was moved to do something about it. She searched the internet and found International Shoemaking Design and contacted them telling them about Marsabit. To her surprise someone from the company called her.
That was just three weeks ago. In this short time, the designers at International Shoemaking design have designed a special shoe for the children that can be made in Marsabit. They are donating the tools necessary to make the shoes. Pastor Hirbo will have the youth of the church make the shoes as a mission outreach to the unreached tribes.
International Shoemaking Design has a website for their non-profit part of their business Go to their website and see the story of Marsabit.
Thank you Sandra for not just be moved by what you learned about the children but doing something about it.
I will carry the tools, pattern, etc. with me when I travel to Marsabit in November. And, thank you International Shoemaking Design for caring to help the children in Marsabit.
Praying for the children in Marsabit,
Connie Sent via Cingular Xpress Mail with Blackberry