Sometimes I get discouraged because I see so many children infected with Aids, orphaned by Aids and children living in slums and on the street and I wonder where is the passion to fight this disease? Then I meet someone that let’s me know there is passion to fight this disease. The first day we were here we were shopping a Nakumat (the big grocery store chain in Kenya). I was in the little health section looking for protein powder mix for Brian the little boy with Aids who lives with us. A young man was there reading each of the labels on the protein mixes. I told him that after he reads them all he could let me know which one was the best. He asked what I wanted to use it for. I told him for a child who has Aids. He said, “You know children who have Aids?”. After telling him I did he said he was a model in Kenya and he and a group of other models want to do something for children with Aids. I took him and introduced him to Sammy, Njokie, Sam and Moses. His name is Patrick and he is in the Zain (cellphone company) advertisements. After introductions and plans to connect later he went on with his shopping and us with ours. As we were checking out he came up to us and took 400 shillings out of his pocket and gave us a big container of juice. He said that was all he had today but promised more later. He asked us to take the juice to the children. I emailed him later and told I would always remember his what he did and the passion I saw in his heart. I told him to the children I have grown to love. All infected by their Moms with the HIV virus. I told him I prayed he would always have the passion in his heart that moves him to action. I received a reply that he will mobilize others to help in the what if? canpaign to fight Aids. Thanking God for passion He gives to those who allow Him to work through them, Connie
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