Today I worshipped with Kenyans at Christ Harvesters Church. The members were anxious to see the pictures from my trip last week of their beloved country. Penny from their church was on the bus with us in Kenya and is still in Kenya helping GOA for the next month.
Right at the end of the service Penny sent me an email – a letter to the church members. Pastor Karanja read it to the congregation on my Blackberry. From Penny:
Dear Brethren, I greet you in the name of Jesus to whom we continue to give all the praise. Kenya is beautiful, and abundantly blessed. We continue to pray and bless people who have been affected by the skirmishes and even though sometimes it is difficult seeing all these, we thank God for the resources and touching people to give. I have seen so many things and agony and I have come to appreciate the little that I have. Sometimes it has been dangerous for us on the road but we have seen Gods hand as you continue to pray. At times we go to this these camps and we are not able to meet their needs as we would like to. Please give what you have and especially in areas of evangelism we need bibles and soccer/volley balls as we can see how effective they are as this people need something to keep them busy as they have nothing to do. They also need the word of God and that is why we need the bibles.Connie will tell you about this campaign. Last but not least, continue to pray as ever before because a lot of people are suffering. I will continue to represent you here as one of you and be assured that as you give you are in together with us down here. God bless you and I love you all.
Yours in Christ Penny.
The young adult dancers were to dance today at the church but gave up their time on the stage o play Sammy’s song Pray for Peace for Kenya. Pastor Karanja called me up and laid his hands on me along with his wife Teresa and prayed for me. He did that before my trip and I believe that is why I was so protected on the trip. He took a love offering for Kenya Relief. When the service was over they played Sammy’s song over and over. Sammy called my Blackberry from Kenya – and he could hear his song playing in church. Pastor Karanja spoke to him on the phone and blessed him! How amazing is God? Connecting all this together.
Pastor karanja is partnering with us to raise funds to keep the Peace bus on the road and in the camps delivering blankets, giving medical care, soccer balls and singing the Pray for Peace song.. We are planning several events and will keep you informed as the dates are set..
The DVD of Post-Election violence and Churches respond was shown in several churches today. We will know tomorrow how much was raised.
Praying for peace and healing in Kenya, Connie