Please see what the Peace Team is doing! It is amazing how the post-election violence has provided an incredible opportunity for GOA to reach the most vulnerable with the life-saving hope of Jesus. The Peace Team is so committed to the opportunity God has provided them they are are going out this weekend – Easter. They feel there are people they can reach with the message of the gospel. We are blessed to be their supporters through financial and praver support. Prayers are being answered in Kenya, Connie
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—–Original Message—–
From: “GOA”
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 08:51:34
Subject: PEACE BUS
Hi Connie,
Peace bus team is working soo hard. See their weekend Mission.
Bishop David
Glory Outreach Assembly P.O. Box 13940 00100 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: + 254 (20) 606738/48 Mobile: + 254727407247 Skype: dthagana Email: Website: <>
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