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Writer's pictureDavid Moore

PFC staff exceeded their goals for 2014!

This trip to Kenya Bridgette and I helped the PFC staff with their year end staff meeting. All PFC staff came to Nairobi from the PFC ministries – Marsabit, Watamu, Limuru and Mai Mahui. There were 30 staff present. The purpose of the meeting is for each ministry to reflect on their achievements for this past year and set goals for next year. Staff exceeded their goals for last year: 2014 goals/achievement Reach with the message of HIV/Aids prevention Goal 50,000 Achievement 94,029 Patients treated in PFC clinic and through mhealth Goal 4,000 Achievement 5,200 People treated for jiggers Goal 1,000 Achieved 2,138 Accepted Christ Goal 1,000 Achieved 3,824 The PFC staff were able to touch the lives of so many people because of the partnership of donors, the hard work of the PFC staff and our partner organizations. Imagine over 2,000 people, mostly children no longer suffer from painful, debilitating jiggers and over 3,000 people are leading different lives as they walk with Christ.  There were so many lives changed through this small but effective staff in Kenya. Each ministry has set their goals for 2015. The goals are ambitious as they hope to achieve these goals even though the number of PFC staff is not increasing. Goal for 2015 Reach with the message of HIV/Aids prevention – 188.000 Patients treated in PFC clinic and through mhealth – 8,760 People treated for jiggers – 3,000 Accept Christ – 4,150 With the continued support of donors and with the help of our partners PFC staff will meet their goals and touch even more lives! With gratitude for your prayers, financial support and words of encouragement, Connie

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