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Returning from Kenya

Writer's picture: David MooreDavid Moore

After a month in Kenya David (my son) and I are returning to the US. This trip was good although there were challenges. The challenges included our van having mechanical problems and sickness among the Partners for Care staff. Both Sammy and Njokie had malaria – again. And, after a week of treatment Sammy still did not get well. Taking him back to the hospital he was diagnosed with a very bad case of typhoid. He was put on three types of medication. I am witness that typhoid is worse than malaria. He thinks he got typhoid when travelling to Lodwar. The good things that happened this trip were the partnerships PFC has developed. We are now working with: 1. The Vice President’s wife through the Kolonzo Foundation 2. The Healers program through the Lumumba Foundation 3. The National Aids Control Council as we continue to seek funding for the what if? campaign 4. Ringtone who is a major artist in Kenya. We will be going to schools with him with the what if? campaign. He is very popular with the youth and has been doing motivational speaking in schools for several years. 5. Kanjii – another major artist in Kenya. He has already launched a program going to the high schools with a program reaching the youth for Christ. Land was purchased to build a home for the children in the rescue center! And, of course the reMEMber team came to Kenya and went all the way to Maggie’s School! It was a trip none of them will forget. Now I return home to work and David to school. Oh, I forgot one other thing – David got his Kenya driver’s license! Next team coming to work with Partners fopr Care is the Partnering for Hope team who will be coming in October. Tragically one of their team member’s son was was struck and killed by lightening on a golf course two months ago. She is still determined to go to Kenya – a lifetime dream. Her son’s friends are holding a golf charity to raise money for her trip. Blessed to serve with the Partners for Care staff in Kenya, Connie Sent via Cingular Xpress Mail with Blackberry

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