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Writer's pictureDavid Moore

Returning from Kenya

As I return today from Kenya I reflect on the many events over the last several weeks. The Partners for Care staff in Kenya continue to have an impact making a difference for many people both Kenyans and Americans. Here are some highlights: 1. Very successful trip by the American Youth team. They wrote when they returned they had left their hearts in Kenya. We will post their video on the PFC facebook. 2. Thanks to the youth team the children at Beat the Drum now have a swingset. And, I can tell you that is not an easy task like it is in America where you just order one from Sears! Sammy PFC staff did a lot of work “running up and down” as they say in Kenya to make that happen. 3. Preparations were made for the July team when my sister will travel with 10 others to see Maggie’s School. The missionsary flight to Lodwar is booked, safari confirmed and we have found a dentist for them to work with when they do their medical camp in Mathare. He will also let them use his dentist office so they can clean all the PFC staff’s teeth. Also picked up from our wonderful partners at HEART 120 bed nets we are taking to the children at Maggie’s School. Njoie has “run up and down” a lot to make all this happen! She is always committed to see everything gets done and it isn’t easy! 4. The what if? campaign was asked to be featured in Professional Magazine. We will have the interview when I return next time. 5. The what if? team performed at an event with 5,000 people with 1,000 signing the committment cards to test, to wait until marriage and to be faithful to one partner. 6. The what if? team was also asked to present at the Teacher’s Service Commision to a group of people infected and affected by HIV. This group trains teachers on HIV issues and they want to work with the what if? team. 7. Maggie’s School was registerted! Thanks to the work of Andrew PFC SW in Lodwar and Pastor Omondi! 8. We met with the deputy Provincial Officer who saw the what it? play at the United Nations. He wants the team to play at major goverment affairs. 9. We had a follow-up luncheon with the Vice President’s wife Pauline Kolonzo. Next trip we will outline a partnership agreement with Kolonzo’s Foundation. 10. We made some improvements in the PFC house – a bookcase for the wonderful leadership books people have given me to take to the team and a storage shed to hold our new beliver bibles as well as musical equipment, etc. 11. Developed and wrote a proposal for National Aids Control Council for the what if? HIV/AIDS prevention campaign. If funded the what if? team will do a 3-day event in each province in Kenya. Sam worked all night two nights and many hours to prepare the proposal. 12. Developed a plan to work with Kajii who is one of the most well-known gospel singer in Kenya. We will combine our efforts to reach high school students with the message of HIV/AIDs prevention and living for Christ. I met Kajii throught Christian of Milele. 13. Sam prepared a video of the need for the children at the CT rescue center to move. We will post on PFC facebook. 14. Secured more necessary licenses for the cyber and the clinic. Obtained more drugs for the clinic and got all the computers operational in the cyber. The trip wasn’t without struggles. All three leaders Pastor Omondi, Njokie and Sammy got malaria again as did 5 year old Faith (Njokie’s daughter). I am getting good at diagnosing malaria. We always confirm with a lab test. And Pastor Omondi also had thyroid. And Charles from CT was sick with malaria. And, we continue to struggle with transportation! The van makes down a lot! And this trip because of so many meetings and presentations it seemed we were travelling all the time in the van. We are really praying for better transportation. Good news is I did not lose my Blackberry this time so I consider that an accomplishment. Proud of the PFC team in Kenya and grateful to God for his provisions, Connie Sent via Cingular Xpress Mail with Blackberry

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