Sharon as most of you know is the Director of Development for Partners for Care. Sharon has made a BIG difference in what we have been able to raise for PFC. She helped PFC have a successful year end campaign! She has organized 10 student interns/volunteers to help PFC. And, so much more.
I was amazed how she studied and learned about the PFC Kenyan staff, the different programs and ministries. I would sometimes overhear her telling a potential donor about the work of PFC and about the need and I was always impressed with how much she knew about the organization. And, she would tell people passionately about the work of PFC…and she had never been to Kenya.
So last week she came to see for herself. She knew the PFC staff by name as she had seen them in the thousands of PFC pictures she had sorted through. She recognized Sammy, David, Justus, Moses, etc. She knew their work as she had created the PFC calendar that featured each of the ministries.
Now she was meeting the staff and hearing from them first-hand about their work. She also came to meet the people in Kenya the PFC team serve.
Sharon did great! It isn’t an easy trip physically or emotionally. She went to Mathare slum and met Christine and other women infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. She heard their stories and listened to their struggles. She went to Kathi’s house and met the two girls Pastor John has rescued.  She met one of Pastor John’s football teams and saw them in the uniforms and football shoes that she had received from PeacePassers – one of our partners.
She went to see Nick and Charles’ children.
She spent an afternoon with the PFC volleyball girls where she met Jane.
Jane is one of the volleyball girls who can’t go to high school because she doesn’t have the school fees. She has met all the staff except those in Marsabit.
After a very busy week she has returned home…but she won’t forget who she met and they won’t forget her.
I am very grateful that Sharon would travel on four planes for a total of 32 hours – not her favorite thing! That she would leave her family including Moses her dog for so long. And, that she would allow God to use her to help Partners for Care help the team in Kenya serve. Thanks Sharon and thanks to all those who supported her with prayers and financial support!
Connie Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T