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Support GOA in their efforts to assist people hurting and homeless from the violence

Writer's picture: David MooreDavid Moore

Even the news is beginning to carry stories of violence in Kenya now. I know many of you are heartbroken over what is happening in one of the most peaceful nations in Africa. There are ways you can help GOA as they respond the way God calls them to respond – with compassion, forgiveness and helping those displaced and hurting.

 Ways you and your friends can help:

 1. Pray for peace and healing in Kenya, for God to claim the victory over the forces of evil.

 2. Wear a white ribbon until peace is restored in Kenya. When people ask what is for, you can ask them to pray for Kenya.

3. Support the GOA nurses, social workers and pastors on the Pray for Peace bus – they need funds for fuel, blankets, medication, milk, etc.

4. Ask your friends to send money to buy peace balls for the diplaced persons camps, and healing bibles for those whose bibles were burned. $30.00 buys a peace ball and a healing bible

5. Show the Post-election violence / GOA response DVD to your church or community group and take a love offering. Just ask me or David Gruber and we will get you one

6. Sell the Pray for Peace CD for a donation to support the pray for Peace bus. This song was written on Sunday, January 20, by Sammy of GOA, and professionally recorded in Nairobi on Monday, January 21. It has been played on Kenyan television, and Sammy is singing in the Internally Displaced Camps traveling on the Pray for Peace bus.

7. If anyone has access to a PA system and portable keyboard that Bishop can carry back to Kenya, it would be a blessing to Sammy and the team as they deliver hope to people in the IDP camps.

As the bible teaches us and Bishop David reminds us do not grow weary of doing good.

Praying for peace and healing in Kenya, Connie



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