Everyday in Kenya 473 children under the age of five die. Most (90%) die from preventable diseases – malaria, HIV/AIDS, malnutition. And 180,000 children are infected and living with HIV/AIDS. The Temples of Worship want to do something to change these statistics. They want to use what God has gifted them with – their music. Starting December 12, 2008 they are embarking on a five city, eight venues tour – What If? Supported by other Partners for Care staff – Sam, Moses, Njokie, our newest staff member Pastor Maurice Omondi and our Partners Nick and Charles these concerts will call the next generation to be HIV-free. They will ask the question What If? there was no AIDS, no orphaned children, no street children, no babies born infected with HIV/AIDS. What If? every child slelpt under a bed-net? Drank clean water? Had enough to eat? Honorable Mwangi Makami, former Youth President of Kenya and Dr. PLO Lumunba will speak calling the youth to avoid getting infected themselves. Testing will be offered at each site in cooperation with the National AiDS and STD Minisitry (NASCOP). and other AiDS organizations. And because the concerts are also a call for the youth to accept Christ and follow His principles Bishop David will preach and ask the youth who are not believers to accept Christ. See attached posters being used in Limuru, Eldoret, Siaya (near Kisumu). Nairobi (Mathare) and three venues in Mombasa. This is a large undertaking as they want to reach many youth with the message of saving children, being HIV-free and living for Christ. The team would appreciate your prayer support. Pray that those who come to hear the music will hear the call to wipe out HIV/AIDS – to do their part – test and know their status and keep HIV-free by following God’s principles. Pray for each team member as they continue to plan these concerts, mobilize the communities, practice their music and prepare themselves spiritually to win souls for the kingdom. Pray for the team as they travel together on a bus for 10 days throughout the Kenya – for travel mercies and safety. Everyone in Kenya has the feeling “yes they can” and it is with this spirit the Partners for Care staff are planning these What If? concerts. I will travel to kenya December 9 to travel with them on this tour. Bless you for your support of what God is doing in Kenya, Connie .
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—–Original Message—–
From: Connie Cheren <ccheren@aol.com>
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2008 19:39:18
To: Connie Cheren<ccheren@aol.com>
Subject: what if