June 12 I leave for Kenya with representatives from the Jr. Partners for Care volunteers and Bridgette Boylan. We go to support and serve the Partners for Care team on the ground in Kenya. The PFC team led by Sammy Wanjau have been preparing for the medical camp and sports tournaments we will help with. The team have been organizing partners including the Ministry of Health, the chief, local physicians and healthcare professionals. The Gates Foundation will also be partnering with us for the medical camp in Maururi. The team is buying the medications, soccer and volleyball balls, trophies, prizes, etc. They have organized to rent a stage for the what if? events – one in Maururi and one in Mai Mahui. The soccer tournament in Mai Maui started three weeks ago and the one in Maururi kicked off today with hundreds of people from the village watching.
Our team is going to help…to serve. By raising the money for this mission, the Kenyan team is able to reach thousands with the message of salvation. We will go to encourage the team as the battle is tough on the ground. And, we go to witness God working through these young Christian leaders in Kenya and then to tell others the story – to help change our hearts and others for those who serve and for those who are served.
Thank you to all who have donated to make this mission possible….
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