“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far; go together.
When I started Partners for Care with our co-founder David Gruber I never realized how the word “partner” would define our work and how far we would go together with our partners.
Read what we accomplished this trip with our partners and see the photos on Facebook if you haven’t already seen them!
1. I attended the first graduation of our partner Bob Okello’s computer school – 60 graduates and the next session was full even before graduating the first class. And, 200 people showed up following graduation to enroll! Thanks to our partners Bob O’kello and ITT Tech – without them this wouldn’t be possible.
2. I traveled to Marsabit on the Mount Kenya University (MKU) bus with MKU staff and students and Ohio State University (OSU) students. We treated jiggers, distributed water back packs to schools and met with officials at Marsabit Hospital. The changes at Marsabit Hospital are truly transformational! An AMREIF doctor recently performed surgery at the hospital and said it was the best equipped surgery suite he had worked in! This is thanks to our partner MedShare who we have partnered with to deliver seven 40 foot containers of medical equipment and supplies.
3. I met with the research professors and the Vice Chancellor at MKU. They are researching the impact of Pastor Hirbo treating 12,000 people for jiggers and the benefits of the water back packs. The VC once again told us the partnership with PFC is their most active partnership.
4. Greif funded a team of 6 students to go to Kenya to help the sewing of the first water back pack in Kenya. They were successful and the first pack was sewn! Thanks to our partners Greif and OSU!
This trip we established a new partner – World Bicycle Relief. They make amazing strong, long lasting bicycles for those who live in developing nations. They donated one of the bikes and we purchased three to take to the Community Health Workers in Parkishon. These bikes could change their lives!
Thank you for your prayers, support and encouraging messages!
Connie Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T