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  • Writer's pictureDavid Moore


Partners for Care Photos Selected for Harvard Display

Four photos have been selected by Harvard for their display on Global Health Programs called “Eyes Wide Open”. We are excited that these photos showing the women using the water back packs will be on display at Harvard for four months and then possibly at other graduate schools after that. Partnering together Greif Corporation, PackH20, Habitat for Humanity and Partners for Care have distributed these awarding winning water back packs to ease the burden for women carrying water for their families. 

Title: The Long Walk Home Photographer: Pastor John Hirbo, Director of Marsabit Outreach, Partners for Care Kenya Location: Parkishon Village, Kenya In Parkishon Village, near Marsabit Town in far Northeastern Kenya women walk up to 8 hours in search of water.  The water back pack makes their long walk easier.

Title: The Joy of receiving water back packs Photographer: Samson Gitonga, Director of Communications, Partners for Care Kenya Location: Parkishon Village, Kenya In Parkishon Village, near Marsabit Town in far Northeastern Kenya women walk up to 8 hours in search of water. The water back packs were received by the women with great joy.

Title: African Women at Work Photographer: Connie E. Cheren, Founder, President of Partners for Care Location: Machakos, Kenya In Machakos women walk up and down steep hills to reach a water source. The water back pack makes their climb easier.

Title: Rendile Woman Carrying Baby and Water Photographer: Samson Gitonga Location: Parkishon Village, Kenya In Parkishon Village, near Marsabit Town in far Northeastern Kenya women walk up to 8 hours in search of water. Many times they carry their babies with them. The water back packs make this possible.

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