Over the next few days you will probably be hearing about malaria. That is because Friday is the day the United Nations is asking people to help fight malaria. Much progress has been done to fight malaria but there is much to do.
On World Malaria Day 2014 we are asked to recognize all those who have helped in the fight to eliminate malaria. And, we are asked to do something to help reach the goal of no child dying from malaria.
Partners for Care has distributed bed nets (the primary prevention for malaria) in a targeted area. We need 106 more bed nets to ensure every child under 5 and every pregnant woman in this area is covered with a bed net. Our call to action this month is to raise enough money to purchase these 106 bed nets – $1,060.00. It is easy to help. Our website this month focuses on malaria prevention www.partnersforcare.org. Once you get to the website it is easy to donate. It costs $10.00 to purchase a bed net and for our team in Kenya to deliver and hang the bed net for the child.
I am an optimist. I believe we can eliminate malaria. Partners for Care wants to do their part and with your donation they can.
Thank you for all your support in so many ways,